
Option1. Free Introduction to Hypnobirthing
A chat about anything and everything you'd like to know about Hypnobirthing.
Ping me a message and we can sort out a time which suits us both.
Option 2. Group Course - Meet other pregnant people.
This is a great way to start to build your community of parents to be.
Option 3. Private Course - Just me and you two, plus bump!​​
Just like it says on the tin, and in the comfort of your own home, pjs and pets welcome! Ping me a message.
Option 4. Refresher Course - Need to brush up on your Hypnobirthing?
Have you dabbled in antenatal education during a previous pregnancy? Did you only use internet resources, and or a book about Hypnobirthing? Do you want a more personal and bespoke experience? Feel like you know the basics but got some questions or concerns? Ping me a message.
Option 5. Bespoke Group Courses - For a ready made group of friends or community group.
Maybe you're a group of friends all pregnant at the same time, or an NCT group that wants to take a deeper dive into exploring positive birth practices... Ping me a message.
Special Offer: a free Electric Oil Diffuser!
As well as the usual bag of goodies:
MP3 Relaxation Tracks
Bodhi Mama Parents' Guide & Postnatal Pack
Positive Affirmation Cards
Notebook & Folder
Handmade Lavender Bag
Your favourite snacks to enjoy while you learn

Click to receive a detailed course outline
Part 1 - What you put in your mind affects your body...
This first part is all about the basics - How and why Hypnobirthing works. We explore how much power the mind can have over the body, including some brilliant practical demonstrations. We also look at the physiological side of birth and the mechanics of what your body is designed to do to get your little bundle of joy out of your belly and into the world.
Part 2 - The Techniques...
Mamas prepare to be relaxed, birth partners, you’ve got work to do! The second part covers a whole range of Hypnobirthing techniques to help you stay calm during pregnancy, labour and birth. Birth partners will learn how to read relaxation scripts to you as you master “Up breathing” and visualisation. We also look at the physical techniques that can help you achieve your best birth.
Part 3 - I'm in Labour...
How do you know when labour is starting? What should you do during those first hours? What if baby doesn’t arrive on their “due date”, would you have a sweep, a pessary, a drip? We consider these questions and all you both need to know about the on-set of labour.
Part 4 - Meeting your baby...
The finale! The main event! Our final hours together will cover the birth itself - What to expect, step by step and how to aim for the birth you want. We also create a personal Birth Preferences Plan which is a really important tool to inform your caregivers of what you'd like to achieve during your birth experience.
After the Course - Parenthood Support
If you need me following the course, I'm always on hand to offer ongoing support during pregnancy and when your beautiful baby is in the world. I'd love to make you and your partner a cuppa and hear all about your birth story if you're happy to share - and meet bubs too!